Graphic Design
Graphic Design & Social Media Brand Study
9×9 Instagram-style grid of designs as part of a brand study.
BALANCE eating disorder treatment center
Photography, Videography, Design, Asset Management.
Advertisements and feed posts made for Instagram, Facebook, and Print applications.
BALANCE is New York’s premiere boutique eating disorder treatment center, offering customizable, individualized, and human-centered care for clients in and around the New York area. Its identity is human-first, offering a feel that focuses on the care it offers and what it can do to help its clients first and foremost.
Intuitively Alexandra
Web and Social Media Rebrand
Full rebrand for web and social media. Client wanted an edgier, more funky feel than her original brand.
Dusen Dusen
Ad and Social Media Design
Advertisements and feed posts designed as part of a brand study.